Guild icon
This is a temporary name. Probably.
Important / 📏minecraft-rules
Social contract
Derek 07-Oct-20 07:13 PM
Minecraft Rules The goal of this SMP is to develop the community and have fun Again, follow common sense. Be civil. Consequences may vary Naturally, discord membership is mandatory. You're responsible for all the damage you cause (creeper holes, griefing, water bucket destruction, etc) Society
- The usual, don't grief/cheat/troll/rob - No attacking others without their consent - Replant/rebreed to give back to the community. Don't slaughter all the animals; there'll be nothing left - Shame people who leave floating trees - Mind others' privacy
- [Lag] Don't leave laggy machines on - Ask for approval first before doing anything big (I just want to know details) - [Lag] Don't build your house too far - No random blocks or random towers in the community please. Those don't count as builds
Exploration/Wilderness Protection
- [Lag] One of the most important rules: Please don't go out and explore a lot; instead, stay in explored areas (consensus: within 1300 in coords). We usually have "expeditions" where groups can go together and that way there is less lag as everyone is moving as one group, and not just one person gets everything for themselves - Decimating resources, especially in more rare biomes, is bad because we can set up controlled harvesting instead - Don't desecrate the landscape without proper reason
- Don't breed the villagers in the artificial villages unless the number is too low - [Lag] Keep a moderate number of villagers/animals/pets to yourself (<=4 personal villagers) - Give back to the community! It sounds corny but doing this will help others and ensure our community prospers
One again, you're responsible for all the damage you cause React here once you've read and understood the rules
grassblock 77
Derek 25-Dec-20 11:13 AM
End Rules:
End is free to explore but please be considerate of others. It isn't as laggy to explore but try not to raid all the cities/leave some for others
Pog 22
grassblock 1
Derek 06-Jan-21 10:41 PM
Nether Policy: (an extended version can be found in #📢big-announcements pinned)
- [Lag] Exploring is fine just don't do a ton of it at once - Don't make portals in the nether if it's going to generate in new areas. The only time you should make portals in the nether is when you're linking - Strip mining is obviously fine but try to rotate around in explored areas instead of going straight one direction - I can at most control the mess that is done in the overworld; the nether is too much to moderate. You can pillar and bridge and all that as long as it doesn't get in the way of official nether infrastructure (builds, roads, bases, etc)
DereC_ 23
👀 14
DrPepper 10
Derek 08-Feb-21 05:39 PM
Allowed mods/clients
Client Optimization mods Most client side mods HUD mods Fullbright (Please be considerate of others who play with normal lighting which means you should still place light blocks) Autoreconnect (In case you get kicked while afking) Anti afk Macros (For afk grinding/fishing/block placing) Litematica/Blueprint mods as long as you don't cheat the actual build
As always, use at your own risk
👀 18
Derek 14-Feb-21 07:24 PM
- Please don't give op stuff to new players; kinda ruins the experience - Server resource pack is highly suggested (for preinstall check #faq) - Should be obvious, but **no boss fights without permission** (For safety of others and you)
🗿 17
gold 7
bedrock 8
diamond 3
Derek 07-Apr-21 10:24 PM
The one Wasteland rule is that you keep your business there and don't let it leave the Wasteland or else you'll be subject to community law. This is applied in a lot of ways: looted items, crimes, feuds, hacks, etc Obviously the harvested resources can be brought back to the normal world without taxation or inspection as those are well earned imports.
tnt 8
gasp 4
Derek 16-Apr-21 09:14 PM
Exploration Limits: We're flexible but advise a max of 6k blocks in coords (1k-1.5k for max distance for bases other than outposts plz) (edited)
👀 8